1) 今更 (いまさら) (〜まい) – “you just tell me that now. . .”(with the feeling that it is too late to do something)
2) 〜を成す (なす) - to constitute; to form; =を構成している
3) 〜に置いては (〜においては) - =では; in/at/on/during (+ place/time). Indicates the place of an action/event, a state or time.
4) 要するに (ようするに)- “in brief”; “the main point is. . .”
5) 一方 (もう一方) - “on the one hand. . . on the other hand. . .”
6) (volitional)〜とも - =ても; “even if”; “no matter”
7) 〜限り (かぎり) - “as long as. . .”; “as far as”; “while”; “to the extent that”; “until”
8) 決して〜ない (けして〜ない) - “never”
9) Verb (stem form) + つつ - =ながら; “while”
10) 如し/如く (ごとし/ごとく) - =よう; “like”; “look like”
11) 〜と言い, 〜と言い (といい) - (used when giving examples: this structure introduces multiple perspectives when describing a person or a thing); “in terms of both X and Y”; “from the perspective of both X and Y”
12) そうは行かない – things won’t go (as one wishes)
13) 引いては (ひいては [NB: there are different 漢字 that can be employed for this structure] – “and then. . .” (often linking to an extended example); “eventually (lead to)”; “even”
14) 〜する恐れがある (〜するおそれがある) - (negative possibility)