Thursday, September 24, 2009


  1. 元々(もともと): By nature; originally
  2. そうした: Such + Noun.
  3. に対して(たい): Toward; to; regarding
  4. 恐らく(おそ): Probably; maybe; perhaps
  5. 敬意を払う(けいいをはらう): To respect
  6. 染み染み(しみじみ): To soak into (meaning: to enjoy; to appreciate)
  7. 今(も)尚(いまもなお): [It's] still…now.(meaning: it is still the case now, nothing changed.)
  8. (なぜなら)~からです: It is because...
  9. じわじわと : Gradually, slowly
  10. (~程で)はないにしても (~ほどではないにしても):not to the degree of...
  11. ...程で)はないにしても...、...てはない: Neither..., nor...
  12. ~にしても : Even for...
  13. ~という様に:Such as
  14. べき : Should (Because it is socially or morally appropriate to do.)
  15. ~に関連しで(にかんれんして): Regarding, with respect to
  16. ~でありながら,~.: Both A and B
  17. ~から見て(も): To be seen from... To consider something from...
  18. ~とは言え: Even though,...
  19. 至難の業(しなんのわざ): Almost impossible to do something; herculean task
  20. ~退ける(のける): To put aside
  21. ~の外(は)ない: Nothing but...
  22. X 位/程~はない/いない: Nothing is as adj. as X.
  23. ~にしても: Even (meaning: Something is still adj., even according to [a standard].)
  24. ~ にしては: As far as something goes,.../ For ~, ...
  25. ~訳です(わけです): That's why; no wonder...;
  26. A(だからといって)、 B訳ではない:A doesn't mean B.


Header Image from Bangbouh @ Flickr