1)〜てくる (& 〜ていく)
With controllable verbs
A. (“to do something and come”; showing directionality [toward the speaker]; and the “errand form,”—てきてください)
B. Time (Continuation into the present moment of an action or event that began in the past)
With uncontrollable verbs
C. Begin to (“雨が降ってきた”)
The same is true of 〜ていく, except in the case of Uncontrollable Verb + ていく, which means to something happens beyond one’s control (“日本語を忘れていった”)
2) 〜に (しか) 過ぎない: “nothing more than”; “just/only”; “nothing but. . .”
3) (だから) 〜訳 です: “”that’s why”; “in other words”
4) その結果: “As a result”
5) 極めて: “extremely”
6) 〜合う: “mutually”; “together”; “with one another” (e.g. 話し合います)
7) (〜こと) も + 珍しくない: “even (such an example) is not rare)”; here, も means “even”
8) Sentence clause + 中には: “among them”; “among such [referenced in the first clause]”
9) 〜もいます: “some. . .”
10) [X は Y] に比例して [+ verb]: “in proportion to. . .”
11) 〜にしても、にしても、〜: whether A or B. . .
12) いわゆる: “so-called”; “in other words. . .”